TDER 2021 semi-annual business summary meeting was successfully held

Aug 09,2021

On the afternoon of August 6th, 2021. TDER 2021 semi-annual business summary was successfully held in the International Conference Hall of Weiwei Hotel. The general manager of the company, the head of the business department and all the members of the business department attended the meeting.


In the agenda, Tinner Zheng, general manager of TDER, made a summary of the work in the first half of the year and the work plan of the second half of the year respectively.Zhang Liang, head of the business department, also took the stage to make a semi-annual summary to cheer up all the staff of the business department.The whole meeting objectively and comprehensively reviewed and reflected on the work of the first half of the year, and set a targeted work plan for the second half of the year, marking the target of the year and the first half of the year, and setting a clear banner for the struggle in the second half of the year.

Participants can put forward their own opinions and suggestions, everyone can speak freely, discuss and communicate freely.We discussed, interacted and shared them on "internal innovation", "deep business cultivation", "support needs", "external learning" and other aspects.In the collision of ideas from different angles, the more argumentative and more clear and more clear, which is also one of the important purposes of the company to hold regular semi-annual business summary meetings.


Through full and heated discussions, we found the problems, gained suggestions and put forward the directions.The end of the business summary meeting is actually the beginning of the work in the second half of the year. I hope you can summarize the harvest at the meeting and apply the available ones to the actual work.


Looking back in the first half of the year, the entire TDER business department worked together to work hard and harvest together.Looking forward to the second half of 2021, we have the same goals and are full of confidence.TDER business department will continue to work hard, stay true to the original intention, jointly look forward to TDER will be more brilliant tomorrow!